PUBG Esports


How we helped PUBG Esports division promote the EMEA Championship finals weekend.


PUBG Esports entrusted us with an electrifying challenge: catapult their upcoming championship finals weekend to unprecedented heights on Twitch. Our mission was clear – captivate the gaming world. Through strategic content planning, immersive storytelling, and unparalleled engagement, we aimed to fuel anticipation, turning viewers into fervent fans. The goal? A crescendo of excitement, driving maximum traction and views for the finals weekend streams.


We activated the campaign with precision, leveraging our trusted relationship with Twitch to broker a strategic media buying deal. Seamlessly navigating the intricacies of Twitch ads, we secured prime inventory, ensuring maximum visibility during crucial gaming moments.

By strategically placing our content where it mattered most, we amplified PUBG Esports’ championship finals weekend, reaching a vast audience. This collaboration with Twitch elevated the gaming experience, making our campaign an immersive journey for viewers worldwide.

It All Comes Down To This // PUBG EMEA Championship: Fall