Pixel Perfect Plans: Crafting Game Marketing Plans that Attract Investors

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This engaging presentation is your key to unlocking the secrets of creating irresistible game marketing strategies that captivate potential investors.

We work directly with indie studios, publishers and investment companies within the gaming industry.

In the world of gaming, having a solid marketing plan is crucial to the success of any project. Whether you’re an indie developer seeking funding or an established studio aiming to expand, attracting investors is often a vital step in bringing your game to life.

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You’ll learn how to identify your target audience, develop a compelling brand identity, and create a comprehensive marketing roadmap that aligns with your game’s unique selling points. From leveraging social media platforms and influencer marketing to optimizing your online presence and community engagement, we cover a wide range of effective techniques that will make your game stand out in the eyes of investors.

We walk you through the key advertising channels and how to choose what is best for your game, analysing pros and cons in the industry landscape and also take you through a real media plan examples to show you exactly how we work.

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There’s something in this for everyone. Even if you’re not looking for investors, we have compiled some best practices in creating a marketing plan that no doubt you will find useful. Download the FREE presentation now and take advantage of our knowledge and data through 100s of game launches across the years!