The Thaumaturge

How we helped 11 Bit Studios launch The Thaumaturge ACROSS ALL PLATFORMS.


Our team at Theorycraft Marketing had been tasked with the critical responsibility of formulating and implementing a comprehensive paid media strategy for The Thaumaturge. Our focus lied in developing a targeted approach to maximize impact and effectively communicate the game’s visionary goals outlined by 11 Bit Studios.


Our triumphant strategy for launching The Thaumaturge hinged on a mixture of Meta, Reddit Display, and YouTube ads. By delving into the depths of Meta’s platforms, harnessing the diverse Reddit community, and captivating audiences through compelling YouTube ads, we conjured a spellbinding aura around the game.

To measure our mystical success, we employed UTM tracking for Steam success. This mystical pairing empowered us to decipher player acquisition patterns, conjure conversions, and refine our enchanting campaigns across these magical channels.

This integrated sorcery of marketing and optimization resulted in heightened mystical awareness, increased conversions, and an enchanting entry for The Thaumaturge into the enchanted gaming realm.

Ad Networks
Reddit Ads

The Thaumaturge - Official Launch TraileR